Timber Trade

Current Position: index Products Timber Trade


Place name:

Tali [科特迪瓦、刚果(布)、利比里亚、喀麦隆]、Missanda(莫桑比克、英国),Elone、Eloun(加蓬、喀麦隆),Alu、Alui(科特迪瓦),Gogbei(塞拉利昂),Mancone(几内亚比绍),Potrodum(加纳),Erun、Sasswood(尼日利亚),Elondo(赤道几内亚),N’kasa[刚果(布)],Kassa[刚果(金)],Mwavi(坦桑尼亚),Muave(赞比亚),Lim,Limxank,Lin。

Trees and distribution:

Megaphanerophyte, distributed in Africa, Eastern Asia and Northern Oceania. 28-40 m high, 1-2 m DBH, with plate roots. Seeds and bark are toxic to humans.This kind of wood is often imported in batches from Cameroon, Gabon and Congo.

Wood use:

This kind of wood is suitable for heavy construction, durable timber, bridge, port and wharf timber, sleepers, heavy-duty floor, vehicles, fishing boats, tool handles, etc.


Wenzhou Timber Group Co., Ltd

Wenzhou Timber Group, whose predecessor is Wenzhou Timber Mill founded in 1952, is a key state-owned company affiliated to Zhejiang Forest and Industry Office. Wenzhou Timber Group Company, a key state-owned company in Wenzhou city, was founded in the May of 1991. It merged with Wenzhou Industry Investment Group under the provisions of the integrative recombination of the state-owned property in the December of 2010. The company achieved reconstruction in the August of 2012 and now has changed the company name into Wenzhou Timber Group Co., Ltd.

Contact Us

Address:12-13F, Runjin Commercial Center, No. 235, Shoudu Avenue, Wenzhou, Zhejiang, China Tel:0577-88781506 fax:0577-88781506 Zip code:325000
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